How to Write Effective Social Media Content for Your Business

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Tired of seeing “compelling content” from your offshore web development team that don’t translate to engagement and ROI? We are. Remember, content rules supreme; and copywriting is the king. It’s what makes kings earn their gold!

Your Posts Should Always Provoke Reaction

​Social media platforms give you a chance to post words. So how can you create content that will earn money?

  • ​Be provocative – Say that may be shocking or will elicit a realization.
  • Warn your audience – People love to be informed about things that will save them from harm.
  • Inform your audience about the “dirty little truths” that your “evil” competitors are trying to get away with.

Don’t make like and shares your #1 goal though. What good is a viral post if it doesn’t bring in the profits? Instead, focus your efforts on making a lead that brings in the cash.

Lead Potential Customers to Your Offers

In order to shift audiences to business leads, you to have to have convincing copy on social platforms PLUS powerful, well- thought of articles. This includes blog and landing pages that contain interesting stuff such as tips, tricks or “life hacks”.

The concept is very easy: Drive customers from social media to content that “sets up” and transfers them to your offer.

Whatever you post should help consumers achieve something they want, avoid imagined dangers or solve their problems.

Remember, your blog or social media page is like your content marketing hub. These are the pages where you send prospective clients using short-form social media posts. It’s the place where they will find relief, better options and shortcuts.

Use This Copywriting Style

Powerful and result-bearing copywriting for social media is all about assisting your clients:

The process starts with your social media post and ends when you were able to successfully close the sale.

Be direct. But, the reveal should be gradual and should be able to provoke response.

Here are some guidelines to ensure that your content get acted on, prospective customers see your call to action and take advantage of your offer:

Be Direct

When you write, be like a gun. Don’t make readers wait for the answer. Hit them with it in the tagline and headline. Give them everything they want up front. Then, in the body of your long-form content, that’s where you slowly unfold your intentions.

Gradual Reveal

When it comes to the meat of the details, you need to take it slow. Slow enough to make them ask questions and for them to be curious about the solutions you offer. After this, leverage on their curiosity.

Get Their Response by Using the Curiosity You Created as the Spring Board

Yup, be specific and go for the goal. However, you’ll need to avoid being so complete in your blog or Facebook page that readers become content with your content.

Learning how to write social media content – where you profit – is the difference between losing and winning.

Good luck!​

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